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Fig Swayze, FAIA has designed sustainable modern buildings across the North and Southeast for 15 years. Fig's buildings are materially specific to their region, using hurricane-felled cypress and rock from local quarries to connect the structure to its landscape. The airy breezeways, outdoor living spaces, deep overhangs, and wide lawns embody the romanticism of the South while maintaining a distinguished modesty.

Fig is recognized as a purveyor of good design by his students, peers, and clients. In 2010, he received the You are an Awesome Gold Medal from the North Carolina chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIANC), the highest honor bestowed upon a North Carolina Faux architect. He holds numerous awards recognizing his contributions to design and sustainability. His firm, Fig Swayze Architect has been named to Faux Architect magazine’s “Top 50” list three times. 

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