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Elements of Design
a. Offers a sense of direction and/or movement in design of structure
b. Relates a structure to the site and natural surroundings
c. Curved lines soften appearance
d. Horizontal lines minimize height and maximize width
e. Vertical lines create an illusion of height and strength
f. Diagonal lines create a sense of transition
a. Rectangles, squares, circles, ovals, ellipses
b. Should be dictated by function
c. Used to accent specific features
a. Aides in distinguishing between exterior materials and accent shapes
b. Described in terms of hue, value, and intensity
i. Hue represents what is typically considered the color
ii. Value is the darkening or lightening of a hue
iii. Intensity is the brightness or strength of a specific color
a. The roughness or smoothness of a surface
i. Rough surfaces
1. Feeling of strength
2. Feeling of security
ii. Smooth surfaces
1. Illusion of increased height
2. Reflect more light
3. Make colors seem brighter
b. Important in selecting materials to complete a structure
a. Repetitive element provides rhythm; leads the eye through the design
b. Created with gradual change in materials, shape, and color
a. The relationship between areas of the structure and an imaginary center line
b. Formal balance is symmetrical.
c. Informal balance is non-symmetrical.
a. Relates to size and balance
b. Affects the way a residence
relates to its environment
c. Considered in design of exterior
and interior of a structure
a. Relates to rhythm, balance, and proportion. BRING IT ALL TOGETHER
b. Ties a structure together with a common design
c. Avoid features that appear “tacked on”
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