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Primary Auxiliary Views  

A single view that is projected from one of the six principal views. Named according to the principal dimensions of the object shown in the auxiliary view.


Primary auxiliary views include:


Depth auxiliary – The inclined surface will appear foreshortened in a top view and a right-side view. The inclined surface will appear as a line or edge in the front view (see Figure 1).


Height auxiliary – The inclined surface will appear foreshortened in a front view and a right-side view. The inclined surface will appear as a line or edge in the top view (see Figure 2).


Width auxiliary – The inclined surface will appear foreshortened in a top view and a front view. The inclined surface will appear as a line or edge in the right or left-side view (see Figure 3).


Depth Auxiliary

 Figure 1 Depth Auxilary View

Height Auxiliary

 Figure 2 Height Auxiliary View

Width Auxiliary

 Figure 3 Width Auxiliary View

Auxiliary Study Guide and Flash Cards

Auxiliary Study Guide click here


Auxiliary Notes click here


Auxiliary Flash Cards click here

Auxiliary Assessment 

Auxilary Khoot Assessment Click here


Auxiliary Socrative Assessment here

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