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Unit 6 Auxilary Views

The purpose of this unit is to give the student the understanding of the basic concepts of primary auxiliary views. There are times when one of the six principal views will not completely describe an object. This is especially true when there are inclined planes or features on an object. For these cases, a special orthographic view called an auxiliary view can be created. Auxiliary views are supplemental views added to a multiview drawing that contain inclined surfaces. They are used to find the edge and true shape views of inclined or angled surfaces. This unit describes how to create auxiliary views for objects that cannot be clearly represented by the six principal views. Also described is the use of auxiliary views to solve geometry problems, such as the point and true-length views of lines and edges.

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Unit Objectives


Prepare primary auxiliary views


Explain the concepts and principles of primary auxiliary views


Construct primary auxiliary views


Unit Outcome:

Students will be able to identify the parts of an auxiliary view, construct multiple types of auxiliary views, explain how auxiliary views are constructed and assess their knowledge of Auxilary views through practice VoCATS Questions

Unit Terms

- Inclined surfaces 

- True size 

- Foreshortened 

- Primary auxiliary views

- Depth auxiliary 

- Height auxiliary

- Width auxiliary

- Reference Plane

- Auxiliary projection

- Perpendicular

- Partial auxiliary view

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