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Pattern Creation

When creating a strechout pattern, the engineer will use a methods known at Parrallel line development and Radial line development.  


1)  The full length of a pattern when completely unfolded is represented by the stretch-out line.



2)  The lines representing the location of folds or bends are called crease-lines.



3)  Crease, fold or bend lines are represented by a small circle or an X.


4)  A tab or lap is where additional material is added to surface developments for the purpose of assembly.



Identify 3D Shape Surface Developments and Stretch Out Patterns


1. Cylinder                                                                                                     2. Truncated cylinder


















4. Cone                                                                                                          5. Pyramid    























6. Truncated pyramid                                                                                     7. Square and Round Elbows (two-piece, three-piece)


















Identify Stretchout Patterns and Components 

Click on the assessment button below to assess your knowledge of stretchout patterns and their components.  

Before you begin you should be able to:


-  Identify fold lines and crease lines on a stretchout pattern

-  Identify crease or fold markings

-  Identify tabs or laps on a stretchout pattern

-  Identify and Lable 3D shape stretchout patterns

Pattern Assessment

Independent Practice


Students will create the letters of the alphabet in block form using AutoCAD. (See Example Figure 1)

Students will save as LastName_PatternLetters

Students will create a stretchout pattern of all the letters in the alphabet. (See Example Figure 2)

Students will create 3 isometric drawings of 3 different letters. (See Example Figure 3)

Studens will add tabs and crease lines.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Identify Letter Stretchout Patterns 

Click on the assessment button below to assess your knowledge of letter stretchout patterns.  

Before you begin you should be able to:


-  Identify fold lines and crease lines on a stretchout pattern

-  Identify crease or fold markings

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