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Project: Foosball Table


Project Description:

Student will research and design a Foosball Table by applying the information taught this semester in the Engineering II course.

  Students will first research and report on the history, mechanics and design of a Foosball table in small groups (3-4 students).  The student group will collaborate with one another by assigning roles and assignments for the research task.  Groups will present their research to the class.  Each group will be assessed on their collaboration as a group and as an individual.  


  Once the research is complete, students will begin designing their own Foosball table.  The design phase of the project will begin with sketching all parts and assemblies of the table.  Sketches must be created for all parts and assemblies.  Sketches will include rough dimensions and design ideas. 


   Following the sketching phase of the project, students will use those sketches to design their Foosball table parts and assemblies using the AutoCAD Inventor software program.  Student will create part files (.ipt), assembly files (.iam) and drawing files of the Foosball table. A list of required parts and assemblies is located below.  Students should reference the part, assembly and drawings below as they create their Foosball table.  



-  History of where and when the table was invented

-  History of the evolution of the Foosball table over its lifetime

-  The anatomy of the Foosball table 

-  The different types of Foosball tables

-  The specific material used to build a table 

-  The rules of Foosball

-  5 interesting facts about Foosball



-  Each sketch will be drawn in pencil.  

-  Create detailed sketches of all table parts

-  Using rough dimension write the size descriptions of each part of the Foosball table

-  Each sketch part must have two 2 dimensional views 

-  Each sketched part must have an isometric or perspective sketch.  These sketches must be drawn in color. 

-  Each part sketch will be submitted on an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper


3D Modeling:

-  Create a part drawing for each Foosball table part

-  Each part file will be named>>>>   LastName_foosball_PartName        EXAMPLE:  riedel_foosball_rightleg.ipt

-  Create a drawing file for each part on an A-size sheet of paper.  See example below. 

-  Create a sub-assembly file for the following: Table sides, Table backs, Table top, Rods/Players/Handles and Scorekeeper

-  Each sub-assembly file will be named>>>   LastName_foosball_SubAssembly    Example:   riedel_foosball_rightside.iam

-  Create a sub-assembly file drawing that includes the following: Top/Front/Side/Isometric views, All sub-assembly part 2D views, Part list and description and standard title block on a B-size sheet of paper.  See examples below


Minimum Foosball Table Requirements:


Table top- Single piece with playing surface detail.  Lines and surface colors must be added and defined by dimensions and drawing notes.  Connections to table sides and back must be noted and defined in the drawing.


Table side-  Table sides will defined rod holes, ball entry bearing inside and outside, rod bearings inside and outside pieces, the ball return continuation from the back assembly, ball return opening with outside trim and connection to table top and side pieces.  All bearings and side pieces will be drawn separately and then assembled in a sub assembly. 


Table Back- Table back will define the score keeper, goal, ball return, legs and feet.  Connections will be defined with accurate dimensions and detail. 


Rods- Rods will define the location of the players connections, side cushion, end cap and handle.  Dimensions will define accurate location of each different position rod connection hole.  Notes will be added to define material type and additional assembly information. 


Player- Two different distinct types of players will be created.  Players will have dimensions that show the overall general construction information and detail.   Major dimension and design notes must be added to show detail.


** For every part and assemblies, connections must be defined by a pin or screw connection and CANNOT be a peg and hole connection. 


** If minimum requirements are met, students will receive a grade between a 70% - 80%.  To increase grades students will need to go above an beyond the minimum requirements by:

- Adding additional detailed parts

- Creating a unique and functional design

- Improve the quality of Foosball table design

- Designing drawings that are clearly defined by dimension and construction note so that they can be submitted to a Foosball manufacturer.  


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