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Finishing is largely done in the machine shop to finish sizing holes and surfaces.


Machining Processes

     a. Machining might require the use of a grinding

         machine, lathe, milling machine, and or drill press

     b. The above machines will allow the machinist to: turn,

         bore, ream, mill, and grind a part to a specific size

         and shape.


Finishing might include:

Polishing, Burnishing, Deburring, Surface Treating, Coating, and Plating.

2 Person Team Finishing Assignment 


Create a power point presentation on the following machining tools:

Grinding Machine 

Metal Lathe

Milling Machine

Drill Press


Your power point presentation should include 3 slides for each of the machining tools.  The slides will have information on what it looks like, what its purpose is (Turning, boring, reaming, milling or grinding), the parts of the machine, its output (what will it produce), description of how it is used (Steps) and brief history of the machine.  


Your presentation should also include a title page with your name, partners name, school name and date.


The design will be up to you and will need to look professional.  Must be void of spelling errors, over lapping images and text and have a uniform style


Submit to the shared folder as LastnamePartner1_LastnamePartner2_machineppt


Finishing Process

Define the following terms and state the machine or machines used in this process:









Surface treating




Assembly Process

Is a process when various parts are put together to complete the product. This may require additional machining however this retooling costs money and downtime. Manufacturers look to their company designers and engineers to keep manufacturing cost in check. One way of accomplishing this is to produce 3D solid models using CAD software that allows designers and engineers to update and modify their assembly drawings to fit changing criteria.


Manufacturing Assignment 

Open the PDF of the part drawing below.  Create the part using the Inventor software.  Create a working drawing of the part Identical to the one on the PDF EXCEPT for the title block.  The working drawing must include a completed title block and a part list.  Using the text function on the working drawing document, describe how the part will be created and finished.


Manufacturing PDF Assignment click here


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