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Drafting 1 Classroom Assignment                                     

August 28th 2018



  1. Open Google Sketchup by going to the START MENU on your desktop.

  2. Using the shape examples below try and create each shape using Sketchup

  3. The shape can be any size.


*If you are stuck on a shape use the google sketchup HELP work tab on top.

Shapes 2.png

Drafting I Course Description

Course Number: IC61

Hours of Instruction: 135 (block)

Prerequisite: None

This course introduces students to the use of simple and complex graphic tools used to communicate and understand ideas and concepts found in the areas of architecture, manufacturing, engineering, science, and mathematics. Topics include problem-solving strategies, classical representation methods such as sketching, geometric construction techniques, as well as computer assisted design (CAD), orthographic projection, and 3-D modeling. English language arts, mathematics, and science are reinforced. Work-based learning strategies appropriate for this course include apprenticeship, cooperative education, internship, and job shadowing. SkillsUSA competitive events, community service, and leadership activities provide the opportunity to apply essential standards and workplace readiness skills through authentic experiences.

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