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Instructor:     James Riedel                                                                                        Office Hours: Husky Help

Email:                                                                                        Room:            2615                                                                            




This course introduces students to the use of simple and complex graphic tools used to communicate and understand ideas and concepts found in the areas of architecture, manufacturing, engineering, science, and mathematics. Topics include problem-solving strategies, classical representation methods such as sketching, geometric construction techniques, as well as computer assisted design (CAD), orthographic projection, and 3-D modeling. English language arts, mathematics, and science are reinforced. Work-based learning strategies appropriate for this course include apprenticeship, cooperative education, internship, and job shadowing. SkillsUSA competitive events, community service, and leadership activities provide the opportunity to apply essential standards and workplace readiness skills through authentic experiences.


Essential Standards

Unit 1 Understand Fundamental Concepts and Trends of Drafting

Unit 2 Understand the Ideation process (big 6 in academia) 

Unit 3 Apply sketching skills and techniques (Architectural & Engineering)

Unit 4 Apply CAD User Skills (with use of the following CAD software)




Respect -

High regard for authority, for other people, for self, for property, and for country. Understanding that all people have dignity as human beings.

Integrity -

The strength to be truthful, trustworthy, and honest in all things. Acting justly and honorably.

Self-Discipline -

Hard work and commitment to purpose. Regulating oneself for improvement and refraining from inappropriate behaviors. Being in proper control of one’s words, actions, impulses, and desires.

Kindness -

Considerate, courteous, helpful, and understanding of others. Showing care, compassion, friendship, and generosity. Treating others as one would like to be treated.


Make up work- All make up work will be allowed according to school wide guidelines and dates.  Dates will be announced well in advance.



BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) at Heritage High School:

As of the 2016-17 School Year, HHS is officially a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) School. As such, Students are required to sign the HHS/WCPSS BYOD Contract and Technology Usage Agreement. These forms only need to be signed one time and will be kept on file. Other information concerning policies and procedures can be found at However, the specific policy for mobile devices in every classroom is such:

  • Students may use their devices in the classroom during instructional time…

    • Teachers will display a RED card/signal indicating that your device is powered off, put away, and is NOT in use.

    • Teachers will display a YELLOW card/signal indicating that your device is on silent and is face down on the desk. Student should ask before using.

    • Teachers will display a GREEN card/signal indicating that your device is in use as directed by the teacher.

  • Around the School Building:

    • Red Zones:  The device MUST be OFF and away at all times.

      • Restrooms

      • Locker rooms

      • Gym (Outside of Teacher directed instruction.)

    • Green Zones: The device, when in use, must be on SILENT or VIBRATE at all times.

      • Supervised Instructional Areas (i.e. Locker bays, Collaborative/Active Learning Spaces, the Media Center, and Outdoor classrooms)

      • Hallways

      • Cafeteria/Commons area


BYOD Inappropriate Use and Discipline:

Inappropriate use of devices in the classroom Teacher will give student two options:

  • Choice 1 → Student can Personally place the device in a “Cell Jail” in a secured location in the classroom (i.e. File cabinet, Teacher Desk, anywhere that can be locked with teacher access.) and receive it back at the end of the class.

  • Choice 2 → Student will be sent to the office. 

  • Note: On the second offense of inappropriate use, student no longer has a choice. It will default to the Admin option.



Internet Safety Training

In accordance with Board Policy 2313/3013/4013 and the 21st Century Act (Public Law No: 110:385, Oct. 10, 2008) all students will be trained annually in Internet safety. School districts are required to educate students about: Appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms. Cyber bullying awareness and response.  

Percentage of Grade






Evaluated Components

Class work/Lab



Mid Term/Pre-final


WCPSS Grading Scale

  A = 100-90

  B=  89-80

  C = 79-70

  D = 69-60

  F = 59 or below

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