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Rubrics and Assignment Guides


The following guides are designed to assist the teacher and student through the assignment grading process. Class assignment will be assigned a specific rubric to follow. Students are responsible to follow the rubrics on their own.  Class assignment grades will not be given in a rubric form and will only contain the numerical grades on the class assignment.  Students and parents at any time can request a graded rubric form.


Semester grades will be based on:

Drawing assignments

Project assignments 

Written assignments 

Modeling assignments

*Sketchup Assignments


Drawing, Model, Project and Written assignments will require students to:

Think Critically 

Collaborate with students, teachers, community members and other individuals associated with the assignment.

Take a Creative approach

Develope Communication Skills




Drawing Assignment Guide

Focus Items: Lines types, Dimension, Title block content, Drawing accuracy, Drawing Layout, Drawing hardcopy, Text and Notes.

Acceptable Drawing Criteria: For a drawing assignment to be graded it must appear complete.  Focus items must be present in the drawing and the drawing must be submitted in the correct layout form.

Grading: Some grading sections below might not be present in the assignment.  Those sections will not be applied to the final grade.


Drawing Lines: 10 points

  • Full Credit- All lines in assignment are present.

  • Partial Credit- Determined by percentage of missing lines in the drawing.

  • No Credit- Greater than 50% of the lines missing.


Content: 10 points

  • Full Credit- All drawing features are present in the assignment. (Block items, Symbols, ect.)

  • Partial Credit- Determined by percentage of missing features in the drawing.

  • No Credit- Greater than 50% of the drawing content is missing.


Dimensions/Notes: 10 points

  • Full Credit- All Dimensions in assignment are present and correct.

  • Partial Credit- Determined by percentage of dimensions in the drawing.

  • No Credit- Greater than 50% of the dimensions are missing.


Layout/Title Block: 10 points

  • Full Credit- The title block is present, content is correct and in correct location.

  • Partial Credit- Determined by the title block content, location and accuracy.

  • No Credit- Title block is missing, incomplete, in the wrong location.


Accuracy: 10 points

  • Full Credit- The drawing assignment has no errors.

  • Partial Credit- Will be determined by comparring the teacher issued assignment drawing to the students work.

  • No Credit- Greater than 50% of the drawing is inaccurate 


Total Points Drawing Assignment: 50 Points



Model Assignment Guide

Focus Items: Proportion, Materials, Presentation, Detail and Accuracy (Scale/Representation).

Acceptable Model Criteria: For a Model assignment to be graded it must appear complete.  Focus items mujst be applied to the model in an obvious acceptable manner.  This will be determined by Mr. Riedel or student teacher. 

Grading: Some grading sections below might not be present in the assignment.  Those sections will not be applied to the final grade.


Propotion: 20 points

  • Full Credit- All part sizes in the Model relate proportionally to the whole Model

  • Partial Credit- Determined by percentage unproportional parts with in the model

  • No Credit- Greater than 50% of the model is unproportional


Material: 20 points

  • Full Credit- The correct type of material where used in the model. (Model material specified in each assignment)

  • Partial Credit- Determined by lack of material used in the model and material not specified in the Model assignment directions. 

  • No Credit- Greater than 50% of the Model material requested is missing. 


Presentation (Communication): 20 points

  • Full Credit- The model is clean and is aesthetically correct.

  • Partial Credit- Determined by the appearance of the finished model

  • No Credit- The appearance of the model looks incomplete or rough.


Detail: 20 points

  • Full Credit- The model assignment features all of the required detail.

  • Partial Credit- Determined by the percentage of missing detail.

  • No Credit- Greater than 50% of the model is missing detail.


Accuracy: 20 points

  • Full Credit- The Model assignment has no errors.

  • Partial Credit- Determined by the Model assignment requirements and model standards.

  • No Credit- Greater than 50% of the Model is inaccurate 


Total Points Model Assignment: 100 Points



Project Assignment Guide

Focus Items: Drawings, Model, Colaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking, Creativity and Presentation. 

Acceptable Drawing Criteria: For a Project assignment to be acceptable all components must be present and completed.  Missing or incomplete items will delay the completion of the project.

Grading: Some grading sections below might not be present in the assignment.  Those sections will not be applied to the final grade.


Drawings: 25 points

  • See Drawings Guidelines for grading infomation.


Model: 25 points

  • See Model Grading Guide for grading infomation. 


Presentation: 20 points

Organization- 5 Points

  • Full Credit- Presentation has structure and discipline

  • Partial Credit- Determined by the number of issues with structure and discipline.

  • No Credit- No structure and lack of discipline.

Communitation- 5 Points (Visual and Verbal)

  • Full Credit- Presentation has structure and discipline

  • Partial Credit- Determined by the number of issues with structure and discipline.

  • No Credit- No structure and lack of discipline.

Information 5 Points (Visual and Verbal)

  • Full Credit- Presentation has structure and discipline

  • Partial Credit- Determined by the number of issues with structure and discipline.

  • No Credit- No structure and lack of discipline.

Participation 5 Points 

  • Full Credit- Presentation has structure and discipline

  • Partial Credit- Determined by the number of issues with structure and discipline.

  • No Credit- No structure and lack of discipline.


Collaboration: 30 points

  • Full Credit- The model assignment features all of the required detail.

  • Partial Credit- Determined by the percentage of missing detail.

  • No Credit- Greater than 50% of the model is missing detail.



Total Assignment: 100 Points Divided by 10. Please Note Grades in Power School will be from 0-10 points for all projects.




Written Response Class Assignments 

Focus Items: Grammar, Content and Communication.

Acceptable Drawing Criteria: For a written response assignement to be graded students must use the skill learned in English classes to construct their responses.  Unorganized, unstructured and unclear responses will not be graded.


Grammar: 15 points

Content: 15 points

Communication 15 points

Layout: 5 points


Total Written Response Assignment: 50 Points



Student Expectation for Sketch Up Assignments 


Completeness 25%>>> 0-25 points.

Drawing is complete.  All sided of the building, structure, or assigned figure has 3 dimensional (HWD) detail on each and every side of the figure.


Aesthetics 20%>>> 0-20 points

Each of the faces in the sketch up model must have a texture (surface detail) or color and cannot be blank.


Accuracy 25%>>>> 0-25 points

All features in the sketch up model will have height, width and depth.  Features that have a two dimensional appearance will receive up to a 25% deduction. 


Classwork 25%>>>>> 0-25 points

Students will be required to work on their projects in class.  Due to the high level of detail that is needed in a sketch up drawing, students will not always be able to finish drawings in class.  Students will need to work consistently on their projects in class or they will receive a deduction.


Procedural 5%>>> 0 or 5 Points

Must save all sketch up drawings as: Lastname_Drawingtitle.skp  and saved in the correct sketchup folder on the shared network drive.


Please Note:

Figures imported through the 3D warehouse or any other sketch up models that are included in the drawing will be considered plagiarism.  All work in the assigned sketch up models must be original work.  I will never allow student to import other peoples work.  Files that have imported work will receive a zero.  


Lost or deleted work will be the responsibility of the student.  Students are required to back up their work in three different places to eliminate the possibility of losing a drawing.  Due dates will not be extended due to lost or deleted drawing files. Lost files will receive a zero.


Few means 2 or more. Requirements and components for drawings do not need to be stated in writing.  Students are instructed to take notes and list requirement stated by Mr. Riedel.  Some requirements for common construction features do not need to be stated in class.  For example all doors in drawings must have some type of handle to open.  These are common features in construction and do not need to be stated as requirements or components by Mr. Riedel.  They are expected in a drawing. If you have a question ask or risk a deduction.

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