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Rough Sketching 

The purpose of a sketch is to quickly and easily get an idea on paper. In Drafting I we will sketch two different ways, one way by hand and the other by computer.  For some students hand sketching may be easier than computer sketching and for others the opposite may apply. In this section we will concentrate on hand sketching.


When we create a hand sketch you will need to have a pencil (with eraser) and a piece of plain white paper or grid paper.  There are three different forms of sketching, Design sketch , Freehand Technical sketch and Technical illustration


Regardless of your level of sketching ability, we will improve the quality of our sketches by:

- Learning the techniques used to draw straight lines, angles, curves, circles and shapes.

- Understand what proportion is and how proper proportion helps improve the quality of a sketch. 


Basic 2 Dimensional Shapes

Look at the basic two dimensional shapes to the right. These shapes are formed using a series of straight and curved lines.  They are called 2 dimensional shapes because you only see 2 of the 3 natural dimensions. When you observe these shapes you will only see the height and width of the shape.  You cannot see the depth of the object.

Sketch and label each of the shapes on a blank sheet of paper.

triangular prism.png

Sketching Assignment 1 

Directions:  Using a pencil and a piece of paper draw all on the above 3 Dimensional shapes above. Name each of the shape after you sketch them.  Make sure to sketch each of the objects the size of your fist.  If you need extra room, use the back of your sketch paper. 


When the parts of a drawing relates in size to the whole drawing.

Parts or pieces of a drawing must be broken down by using any number of measurement techniques. The easiest measurement technique is achieved by using your pencil. When you use this measuring method you can measure heights, widths and angles using your pencil end and your thumb. See the figure below for additional information. 

Sketching Assignment 2 

Directions:  Using a pencil and a piece of paper sketch the lamp to the right. The Lamp MUST take up the entire sheet of paper.  Use the proportion methods described above to sketch the best lamp you can. You will also use color pencils to enhance the quality of the lamp and give it a creative twist of your own

Sketching Assignment 3

Directions:  Download the documents below and follow the directions next to each document to complete the assignments properly. Follow all rules and guidelines you have learned from above.  Neatness and clarity is necessary for the assignment to be accepted. 


Architecture Lettering Assignment- Write each of the letters and numbers 10 times each.

Gothic Lettering Assignment- Write each of the letters and numbers 10 times each.

Title Block Lettering Assignment- Fill in each title block with the appropriate lettering font

Lettering Quiz

Quiz Link

Room Number: 148597 

15 Multiple Choice question

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